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자이온에게 무릎 부상관련 조언을 한 데릭로즈

2019-11-21 08:46:54

“I mean, it’s a lot. First is your weight,” Rose told Will Perdue of NBC Sports Chicago. “I remember playing for the USA teams and I think my second time we were going and seeing all these doctors and I was getting all these MRIs and I was still feeling pain in my knees certain days. It all came down to my weight. Nobody said nothing about my weight. I think I was around 212 or 214 (pounds) at the time. I was too heavy. It was the little things. I had to watch my diet. Once I watched my diet, I was fine. That was something I didn’t have to worry about.”

간단히 요약 해석하면 “살을 빼야 한다” 라고 하는 것 같네요.


2019-11-21 09:57:01

잉그램한테 좀 나눠주면 딱 좋으련만...

2019-11-21 10:14:39

214파운드라고 하면 97kg 네요. 로즈가 맨발키가 6-1,2 쯤 될텐데 97 키로면 많이 건장하긴 했네요. 

근데 자이온은 6-6 에 128kg.


워낙 통뼈에 미친 골격이라 근육량을 줄여야 120kg 언더로 갈 듯 합니다. 

2019-11-21 10:57:59

프로오면서 살 많이 뺐다는 바클리는 지방이 많아서 뺄 수 있었던건데

자이온은 겉보기엔 체지방이 높지 않아보이는데 쉽게 뺄 수 있을지 모르겠네요. 

2019-11-21 13:36:59

힘에 손실이 있더라도 근육량은 줄여야 할것 같습니다.. 

2019-11-21 15:06:35

점프도 무지막지하게 하는데 감량은 정말 필수죠.. 

Updated at 2019-11-22 05:58:09

 운동능력 뛰어나면서 체중 많이 나가는 선수들이 대부분 무릎으로 고생을 많이 하죠. 근데 자이온은 체중대비 운동능력이 무지막지해서

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